Category Archives: Cross Year Studio

Cross Year Studio – Publishing

What I learned through this workshop:

In this workshop, we chose the book DOWN AND OUT IN BRITAIN by Jeremy Sandford. This book was published in 1971 and summarises the facts about British class society in documentary style. This man in the photo above is eating a sandwich provided by the city administration, and the author shows the issue of poverty in the working class of the UK at the time. To re-activate this publication, we started to be concerned about whether we should re-target the audience.
The target audience of the book was general people in the UK, and it should not be changed. However, 50 years have passed since publishing this book, so we can emphasise the fact that this issue has not been solved over 50 years to use this picture repeatedly.
Regarding the format of our publication, we thought to create publication which has only the picture for 50 times as the physical way. Then, we thought social networking is better to spread the fact widely now. So we designed the mockup to post this gif picture on Twitter(X).
It was a fun workshop concerned with the meaning of publication(n) and publishing(v) from different perspectives.


Cross Year Studio – Technology

What I could learn through this workshop:

In today’s workshop, I made an original analogue clock using p5.js.
I only know a bit about JavaScript, and I have no experience writing it myself. So, it was challenging to create the design that I wanted to make. Especially when I put the numbers, I could not put them in the right place, so I put very random numbers to adjust. I want to know why the original formula did not work.


Cross Year Studio – Language

What I learned through this workshop:

In today/s workshop, I created a Type Specimen A4 poster to analyse typography. I chose Monotype Grotesque, designed by Hinman Pierpont in 1926, to learn more about the Sans serif font, which has been trending for over 10 years.

There are four main categories in Sans serif font, which are Grotesque, Neo Grotesque, Geometric and Humanistic. A grotesque font was created at the beginning of the arrival of Sans serif fonts. Therefore, I thought it was appropriate to learn what Sans serif font is.

My first impression of Monotype Grotesque was cool because it includes a hand-made atmosphere created before the digital era. Especially details of curves, for example, lowercase a and r, and uppercase Q and J. Compared to humanistic fonts, which were created recently, this font looks more analogue in the details of typeface design.