Method of Iterating

In this iterrating project, I tried to make a high fidelity copy of the typeface ‘BM Ikon’, created by a Turkish designer, Murathan Biliktu. The concept of the typeface is Anatolia’s vast landscapes and cultures, so it expresses abnormal and sophisticated stories through its design. For instance, BM Ikon adopted serif as its fundamental construction. But it also used a sans-serif approach to specific letters like T, C and K. In addition, he added characteristic curves to the letters like H, L and V to make the font look human-centred and graphical.

Murathan Biliktu’s new font explores the experience of migrant workers in Germany – It’s Nice That


  1. ADHOCISM by Charles Jencks and Nathan Silver (1972) pp. 39–53
  2. Murathan Biliktu’s new font explores the experience of migrant workers in Germany – It’s Nice That

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